Comes with 1/4 18 NPSM hose and nozzle with shutoff. As this is a used item please see all pictures to ascertain the quality and character of the item. This is a used item, please see all pictures to see the character of its use.
We do not have the means to appropriately test this item up to the standards of a fire department, so please be advised of this fact and make arrangements for your own tests, especially if you plan to use this item in any lifesaving operations. If you have any questions about this listing, please do not hesitate to ask. Since nearly 95% of the items that I sell are old, used, or vintage, they are offered in "AS-IS" condition. My descriptions will be as honest and as accurate as possible; but because I'm no expert your comments and corrections are most welcome. All my merchandise is guaranteed!
Before you return your item. For example, if I said that an item is not chipped, and it is OR if I said a product works and it does not. S responsibility to read my description, my item specifics, and view my picture(s) closely before purchasing. Many of the items pnmsales sells are out of our field of expertise. Many times, we need viewers of our items to inform us of details they feel we need to include in our listings. Please check out my other items in my store!!Thank you for viewing my listing.